The housing crisis in Portugal

How does access to affordable housing relate to human dignity?

In this episode, Young Educators’⁠ hosts Margarida Malta and Ana Catarina Caldeira speak with André Escoval, a representative of the movement Porta a Porta (Door to Door), about the housing crisis in Portugal.

André studied Sociology and is currently a Technical Assistant at Vila Franca de Xira City Council. At the same time, he is studying Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.

His involvement in the housing issue began in November 2020 with his decision to buy a house as a way of reducing the costs of maintaining a home, since renting was no longer a viable option with rising prices.

Together with friends who were facing the same problem, they created PORTA A PORTA – Casa para Todos (Door to Door – House for Everyone), the Movement for the Right to Housing. This movement fights for lower rents, for credit instalments that serve to pay for the house and not to sustain and increase bank profits, for an end to evictions and for more public housing.

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